This verification search will verify previous employment, including dates of employment, position. We will always attempt to confirm salary, job performance, eligibility for rehire and reason for leaving or termination. IMI offers both domestic and international searches. – Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days EDUCATION VERIFICATION SEARCH This search will verify degrees, diplomas, awards and certificates for the highest level of education completed. Also included are dates of attendance, GPA, Major/Minor and confirmation of graduation. IMI will also confirm if a High School Diploma is required to attend any post-high school education. IMI offers both domestic and international education verification services. – Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days EMPLOYMENT REFERENCE CHECK AND INTERVIEW SEARCH This verification search is helpful to find out more about your applicant and fill in any gaps of time. Time frames that might be represented as gaps in work history include school history, self-employment and companies that are no longer in business. IMI offers a standard or in-depth interview. – Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days PROFESSIONAL LICENSE VERIFICATION SEARCH IMI can verify, upon request, special licensing and professional affiliations. For example, certifications and licensing for certified public accountants, doctors, nurses, lawyers, etc. – Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days |
With resume and application fraud on the rise, it isn’t always easy to determine whether the information candidates provide is legitimate. Verification Services from IMI Data Search take your provided info and screen it for factual accuracy.
At IMI Data Search, you have options. We can confirm the accuracy of employment records, educational transcripts, personal references, special licensing options, professional membership claims, fellowships, and many other critical recruiting intelligence points. Confirming claims through IMI’s Verification Services lets you discover the truth about candidates so you can base your hiring decisions on the truth, not on false information.
Running searches with IMI Data’s Verification Services also creates a paper trail that demonstrates your business or organization’s dedication to due diligence and responsibility. In the event of post-employment liability issues and lawsuits, your Verification Search record may act as proof of dedication to risk mitigation. In some cases, this information may even be admissible in court, though every situation is different and it’s best to have a lawyer review your case. Thorough screening practices, including verification services, are an important facet of any risk management plan.
Are you a candidate? IMI Data Verification Services can provide you with significant peace of mind about your personal information. Candidates who are unsure about employment dates or other past achievement info can pre-verify their own info by running an IMI Data Verification Search. Running your own report gives you the power to ensure you send prospective employers accurate information the first time around.
IMI Data’s Verification Searches are fast, accurate, and thorough. You can expect nearly all verification measures to complete within one to three business days. Requests for difficult-to-confirm information, such as international education transcripts or employment records, may take longer due to their complex nature. We’ll do our best to provide you with an accurate timeline of results at the time you place your request.
At IMI Data Search, you have options. We can confirm the accuracy of employment records, educational transcripts, personal references, special licensing options, professional membership claims, fellowships, and many other critical recruiting intelligence points. Confirming claims through IMI’s Verification Services lets you discover the truth about candidates so you can base your hiring decisions on the truth, not on false information.
Running searches with IMI Data’s Verification Services also creates a paper trail that demonstrates your business or organization’s dedication to due diligence and responsibility. In the event of post-employment liability issues and lawsuits, your Verification Search record may act as proof of dedication to risk mitigation. In some cases, this information may even be admissible in court, though every situation is different and it’s best to have a lawyer review your case. Thorough screening practices, including verification services, are an important facet of any risk management plan.
Are you a candidate? IMI Data Verification Services can provide you with significant peace of mind about your personal information. Candidates who are unsure about employment dates or other past achievement info can pre-verify their own info by running an IMI Data Verification Search. Running your own report gives you the power to ensure you send prospective employers accurate information the first time around.
IMI Data’s Verification Searches are fast, accurate, and thorough. You can expect nearly all verification measures to complete within one to three business days. Requests for difficult-to-confirm information, such as international education transcripts or employment records, may take longer due to their complex nature. We’ll do our best to provide you with an accurate timeline of results at the time you place your request.