How well do you know your next prospective candidate? Is it possible that he or she looks good on paper, but has a criminal record that could put your business at risk? Recruiters must ask questions like these when attempting to verify just how suitable a candidate is for the job. If not, they risk very serious liability and negligent hiring lawsuits.When you hire someone with an extensive criminal record, you take a risk on whether or not that candidate is trustworthy and able to perform the job. But you also risk the candidate reoffending – perhaps this time in the line of work.
At IMI Data Search, we strongly recommend employers use our County Criminal Records Check to identify red flags before serious transgressions or problems occur.
At IMI Data Search, we strongly recommend employers use our County Criminal Records Check to identify red flags before serious transgressions or problems occur.
what is a county criminal records check?
Our County Criminal Records Check reveals whether or not your applicant has a criminal past with a special limitation that focuses on only localized County Court databases. These records stem directly from arrests by local Law Enforcement officers, who report arrests for felonies or misdemeanors. County Courts maintain records for people who are arrested even if they are later acquitted of the crime.
When you run a Criminal Record Check with IMI Data Search, we first identify your chosen county and court system. Then, we request specific information from the courts to verify whether your candidate is present on the registry. If they are present, we can often take the search one step further by identifying the crime, the conviction details, or even the sentence received.
IMI Data Search’s County Criminal Records Check goes back between 2 and 30 years. How far back we can investigate is influenced by individual regulations in each county and state. In every case, we extend our search to the maximum length possible permitted by the law. We believe this provides a more robust and accurate result that shows patterns and trends over time.
When you run a Criminal Record Check with IMI Data Search, we first identify your chosen county and court system. Then, we request specific information from the courts to verify whether your candidate is present on the registry. If they are present, we can often take the search one step further by identifying the crime, the conviction details, or even the sentence received.
IMI Data Search’s County Criminal Records Check goes back between 2 and 30 years. How far back we can investigate is influenced by individual regulations in each county and state. In every case, we extend our search to the maximum length possible permitted by the law. We believe this provides a more robust and accurate result that shows patterns and trends over time.
What does this criminal search show you?
The information found within a County Criminal Records Check includes:
This criminal check empowers you to decide whether the candidate poses a risk to your business. The report also acts as proof of due diligence if you operate within a mandatory screening industry (e.g., finance or law enforcement).
Why You Need a County Criminal Records Check
Your business should utilize a County Criminal Records Check because what you don’t know is much more likely to harm you than what you are aware of. Hiring Americans with extensive criminal records is inherently risky; these people have already shown poor decision-making abilities and a lack of reliability. If the case relates directly to the position, you have the right to refuse hire.
You don’t have to refuse a hire to benefit from County Criminal Record Checks. Even if you decide to hire a candidate with a criminal record, being aware of their background will help you to better understand who they are and how they are progressing at reintegration. A single offense or single older record entry may be little more than just a bad decision just out of high school.
A County Criminal Records Check can also reveal red flags that may indicate your candidate is lying. They may be lying about their criminal record, and potentially, about their qualifications, too. A con artist or repeat offender may lie about their record in an attempt to get a job, and often, they’ll also lie about their skills or experiences. If you hire these fraudsters without knowing the truth, you could face serious consequences. At best, you’ll find yourself with someone who lacks the skills to do the job properly. At worst, you, your employees, or your clients could experience serious physical or mental harm.
Screening for County Criminal Records may also reveal very serious, highly-publicized cases that could impact your business’s public reputation. A business who hires someone who was recently convicted for possessing child pornography, for example, may find themselves targeted by local activists once the news spread. Situations like these can blossom from a few negative comments on Yelp to a full-blown PR disaster that decimates your foothold in the local area.
You don’t have to refuse a hire to benefit from County Criminal Record Checks. Even if you decide to hire a candidate with a criminal record, being aware of their background will help you to better understand who they are and how they are progressing at reintegration. A single offense or single older record entry may be little more than just a bad decision just out of high school.
A County Criminal Records Check can also reveal red flags that may indicate your candidate is lying. They may be lying about their criminal record, and potentially, about their qualifications, too. A con artist or repeat offender may lie about their record in an attempt to get a job, and often, they’ll also lie about their skills or experiences. If you hire these fraudsters without knowing the truth, you could face serious consequences. At best, you’ll find yourself with someone who lacks the skills to do the job properly. At worst, you, your employees, or your clients could experience serious physical or mental harm.
Screening for County Criminal Records may also reveal very serious, highly-publicized cases that could impact your business’s public reputation. A business who hires someone who was recently convicted for possessing child pornography, for example, may find themselves targeted by local activists once the news spread. Situations like these can blossom from a few negative comments on Yelp to a full-blown PR disaster that decimates your foothold in the local area.
How IMI Data Helps With Criminal Record Checks
IMI Data Search specializes in making screening for County Criminal Records efficient, affordable, and easy for businesses at every level. Mom and pop shops, large local businesses, and multinational enterprises alike – everyone wants the same thing. Access to information they can trust that empowers better decisions in business every single day. That’s a service our platform easily provides.
Our platform also streamlines the Criminal Records Check process. Screen for records in one county, two counties, or hundreds of counties all at the same time. The best part? There’s no need to visit multiple websites or portals. You can complete every task right from the IMI Data Search platform. Our platform can accommodate any level of demand, from multiple searches a day to just a single search in the life of a business.
Worried about Adverse Action disputes? As your background screening partner, IMI Data Search’s search experts can help you handle these disputes to resolve common issues. These issues may include identity match failures, invalid criminal record matches, and identity theft. Candidates can request a copy of their own report for free after negative screening entries are identified right from the website.
Candidates are always welcome to contact IMI Data Search if they have questions about compliance, disputes, privacy, or the screening process. We welcome these calls via telephone, email, or online chat. Whether they make contact directly or indirectly, we promise to interact with your prospective employees in a way that’s respectful, helpful, and ultimately, supportive of your business goals.
When you partner with IMI Data Search, you also gain instant access to a wealth of knowledge and resources to help you keep your business safe. When you need screening advice, our experts are just a telephone call away. Can’t call? That’s okay! Send us an email, submit a ticket, or chat with us on our website. We’ll address your questions and concerns quickly, efficiently, and extensively. You matter!
Our platform also streamlines the Criminal Records Check process. Screen for records in one county, two counties, or hundreds of counties all at the same time. The best part? There’s no need to visit multiple websites or portals. You can complete every task right from the IMI Data Search platform. Our platform can accommodate any level of demand, from multiple searches a day to just a single search in the life of a business.
Worried about Adverse Action disputes? As your background screening partner, IMI Data Search’s search experts can help you handle these disputes to resolve common issues. These issues may include identity match failures, invalid criminal record matches, and identity theft. Candidates can request a copy of their own report for free after negative screening entries are identified right from the website.
Candidates are always welcome to contact IMI Data Search if they have questions about compliance, disputes, privacy, or the screening process. We welcome these calls via telephone, email, or online chat. Whether they make contact directly or indirectly, we promise to interact with your prospective employees in a way that’s respectful, helpful, and ultimately, supportive of your business goals.
When you partner with IMI Data Search, you also gain instant access to a wealth of knowledge and resources to help you keep your business safe. When you need screening advice, our experts are just a telephone call away. Can’t call? That’s okay! Send us an email, submit a ticket, or chat with us on our website. We’ll address your questions and concerns quickly, efficiently, and extensively. You matter!