Last Updated September 01, 2023
IMI Data Search, Inc. is committed to safeguarding the privacy of the data we receive and process. This notice explains our online information practices. To print a copy of this Privacy Policy, click the "file" drop-down in the browser and select "print."
Applicability of Our Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy covers the information practices of IMI Data Search, Inc. and sets forth our privacy provisions relating to information submitted by our clients and their applicants and employees. This Policy also applies to other data that we collect from third parties and other sources in connection with our screening services. All data shall be collected, stored and used in compliance with applicable law, which may include the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”); the European Union Data Protection Directive; and other national laws and state background screening and privacy laws.
We provide employment screening services only to businesses with a permissible purpose in accordance with the FCRA. We release information via telephone, fax, mail and electronically, only to the individual(s) or business(s) that originally requested the service. For example, if you are the subject of a background check, or if a business customer requests that you verify your identity with us, we may collect some identifying information about you to provide the services to our business customers. We do not sell personal information collected and maintained in our databases to an outside entity for any purpose other than providing employment screening services. Similarly, we do not compile mailing lists consisting of subjects of our screening reports for any purpose not related to a permissible use.
Notice of Services:
Our background screening services include collection of information on individuals for employment-related purposes. Our clients provide us with your personal information in connection with our preparing a background screening report for them. Personal information gathered may include your history of employment and other credentials related to your prospective employment. In addition to the data that is submitted to us by our clients, we may collect data from third parties as needed to process academic, residential, achievement, job performance, attendance, litigation, personal history, credit reports, driving records, criminal history records and other lawful checks. Prior employers and/or references may be contacted, and the report may include information obtained through personal interviews regarding the applicant’s character and general reputation. We may provide all such information to our client (your current or prospective employer) in one or more reports. We will use such information only for the purposes of performing employment screening and credential verification services, including verification of the accuracy of the personal information and check of your references.
Before the information we collect is provided to our clients, our clients must certify to us:
Collection When We Provide Services To Our Business Customers
For example, if you are the subject of a background check, or if a business client/customer requests that you verify your identity with us, we may collect some identifying information about you to provide the services to our business clients/customers.
Service with a Commitment to Privacy
IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") is concerned about the protection of personal information. It is IMI's policy to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of personal data submitted to IMI in writing or while visiting www.imidatasearch.com.com. This can include personal information of clients, vendors, business prospects, employees, job applicants and consumers.
Client Information
IMI gathers information about its visitors primarily to process your orders, but also to continue to provide superior and personalized customer service. By collecting the information, IMI is able to make more accurate product recommendations and send email notices or reminders. IMI is dedicated to providing the best possible browsing experience and gathering this information helps make that possible.
Contractual Relationship Information
IMI may use the personal information of business prospects, clients and vendors in order to establish, execute and terminate a contract. Business prospects can be contacted during the contract preparation process using the information that they have provided. Personal data can be processed to prepare bids or to fulfill other requests of the prospect that relate to contract conclusion. This includes notices and advisory services for the client under the contract if this is related to the contractual purpose. Personal information may be provided to financial institutions to process payments. To ensure that subject information is safeguarded, personal information may be used to complete due diligence checks to ensure that subject data is only provided to third parties that have been appropriately verified and credentialed.
Advertising Information
IMI does not sell mailing lists or exchange services in return for the use of personal information. Clients, vendors and business prospects may receive periodic mailings or emailing's from IMI with information on new services and changes in service. To opt-out, contact IMI in writing or by email at the addresses listed below or you can opt-out on the email advertisements.
IMI does not sell or advertise the personal information of job applicants, employees or data report subjects.
Employee and Applicant Information
IMI may collect information from employees and job applicants to perform its human resource functions. Individuals will be informed of the purposes for which IMI collects and uses the personal information. IMI will provide the Individual with the choice and means, if any, for limiting the use and disclosure of their personal information when required. Disclosures or notices will be provided in clear and conspicuous language when individuals are first asked to provide personal information to IMI, or as soon as practicable thereafter, and in any event before IMI uses or discloses the information for a purpose other than for which it was originally collected.
Consumer Information
IMI may disclose personal information on consumers to third parties in connection with the business transaction and purpose for which it was collected. Third party disclosure of the personal information may include the requesting client company, affiliate companies, third party agents, in-country sources, educational institutions, employers, courts, law enforcement agencies and other persons, businesses or government agencies as necessary for IMI to complete a business transaction.
Personal Information Disclosure: United States or Overseas
Personal information submitted to IMI may, at times, be transferred outside of the United States ("U.S.").
Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information & Legal Requirements
Cross-border transfers may be made under a variety of legal mechanisms including contracts, consent and regulatory authority frameworks.
Personal information submitted to IMI may be stored in the U.S., but also may be transferred to third parties in other countries. Third-party vendors may store personal information in other countries. Therefore, the personal information may be subject to U.S. or other laws for disclosure and may be accessible to foreign law enforcement, national security agencies or courts. Personal information may be disclosed in response to legal requirements.
Payment Data We may collect data necessary to process your payment for services pertaining to invoices payments, such as your payment instrument number, and the security code associated with your payment instrument. All payment data is stored by our payment processor, Square. You may find their privacy notice link(s) here: https://squareup.com/us/legal/general/privacy.
Policy Changes
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing privacy policy of IMI will be posted on this website.
Contact Information
For additional information contact:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
In accordance with California Civil Code § 1786.20 the contact listed above will be able to assist you with additional information on IMI's privacy practices and policies in the event of a compromise.
All information is stored on secure servers in the United States. We maintain reasonable, industry-standard security procedures and practices to protect your information. Here are a few other steps we take to protect your information: We have technical measures implemented to prevent unauthorized access, and keep security patches and software updated. Employee access to your information is restricted and audited, and sensitive personal information is stored in encrypted form.
While you may manage cookie preferences using your browser settings, this website does not currently respond to browser settings such as Do Not Track.
When IMI Data Search, Inc. acts as an Investigative Consumer Reporting Agency under California state law, personal information collected from you may be transferred outside of the United States as follows:
We do not share your personal information with third parties for direct marketing.
California residents, as defined in the California Code of Regulations, have certain rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The vast majority of personal information collected and stored by IMI Data Search, Inc. is exempt from the CCPA under Section 1798.145(d) (Fair Credit Reporting Act exemption) or under Section 1798.145(l)(1) (which exempts personal information collected in the context of a business to business transaction). IMI Data Search, Inc. does not and will not “sell” personal information as this term is defined by the CCPA.
You have the right to request that we disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal information that we have collected about you, where we are acting as a business as defined by the CCPA and where the data collected is not otherwise exempt.
You have the right to request that we delete any personal information about you that we have collected, where we are acting as a business as defined by the CCPA and where the data collected is not otherwise exempt.
Please note that the right to delete under the CCPA is subject to a number of exceptions including where retention of the information is necessary to do the following: Protect user security; Fix technical issues; Protect free speech rights; Comply with applicable law or legal obligation or use the information for internal purposes compatible with the context in which is was provided.
You have the right to request that we disclose the following: The category of personal information we have collected about you. The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected, the business purpose for collecting personal information, the categories of third parties with whom we share personal information, the categories of third parties with whom we share personal information, the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you, the categories of personal information that we have disclosed about you for a business purpose;
The categories of personal information that we have sold about you and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold. While you may nonetheless request this information, please note that IMI Data Search, Inc. does NOT “sell” personal information as this term is defined by the CCPA.
3. Canada Privacy Policy
(Revised: June 12, 2020)
IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") has established a regularly reviewed privacy management program.
Further information or questions can be directed to:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles. Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
Purpose, Consent, Limiting Collection
IMI collects and uses the personal information of clients, vendors, business prospects, employees, job applicants, and consumers. The information obtained by IMI will be used for the purpose for which it was collected or for legal requirements. IMI only collects data that is reasonable for the purposes listed under this section. Individuals may withdraw consent, where an individual chooses to withdraw consent, processing will be stopped within a reasonable time. When consent is withdrawn, information is not necessarily erased or deleted.
Consumer Information
IMI receives information on consumers from its clients, vendors, or other entities (courts, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, employers, etc.) within Canada in the performance of services for and under the direction of its clients. Where IMI is the recipient of personal information, it will use the information in accordance with the purpose indicated and the consent choices made by the individuals to whom such personal information relates. IMI’s client types include employers, financial institutions, insurance companies, other background screening agencies, etc. Most services are requested for the purposes of employment-related decisions, credit granting, and license applications. IMI plays no part in making any decision related to how our clients use the consumer information IMI provides in the performance of the services ordered.
Client, Business Prospect & Vendor Information
IMI collects and uses the personal information of clients to process orders. IMI may use the personal information of business prospects, clients, and vendors in order to establish, execute, and terminate a contract. Business prospects can be contacted during the contract preparation process using the information that they have provided. Personal data can be processed to prepare bids or to fulfill other requests of the prospect that relate to contract conclusion. This includes notices and advisory services for the client under the contract if this is related to the contractual purpose. Personal information may be provided to financial institutions to process payments. To ensure that subject information is safeguarded, personal information may be used to complete due diligence checks to ensure that subject data is only provided to third parties that have been appropriately verified and credentialed.
Employee and Job Applicant Information
IMI may collect and use information from employees and job applicants to perform its human resource functions. Where IMI is the recipient of personal information, it will use the information in accordance with the purpose indicated and the consent choices made by the individuals to whom such personal information relates.
Safeguards, Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
IMI is committed to protecting personal information. While IMI cannot guarantee the security of the information, IMI utilizes a combination of online and offline security technologies, procedures and organizational measures, including limiting and monitoring employee access to personal information to help safeguard consumer information against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.
IMI takes reasonable and appropriate measures to retain personal data only for as long as IMI has a legitimate legal or business need, such as compliance with legal or contractual retention obligations, retention for audit purposes, customer service, security and fraud prevention, preservation of legal rights or other reasonable purposes consistent with the purpose of the collection of the information.
IMI discloses personal data that it collects to third parties in connection with the business transaction for which it was collected. Third-party disclosure of the information may include the IMI’s client whom the consumer has authorized to receive such information, and the third-party representative of IMI authorized to receive such information (e.g., affiliate companies, agents, in-country sources, educational institutions, employers, courts, law enforcement agencies and other persons or entities that may provide or verify information as necessary for IMI to process the authorized transaction). IMI also may in good faith disclose personal information and any other additional information available to IMI, for any of the following purposes: (i) to investigate, prevent or take action regarding actual or suspected illegal activities or fraud; situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person; or violations of IMI’s terms of use; (ii) to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal processes; (iii) to establish or exercise IMI’s legal rights; or (iv) otherwise to comply with applicable law.
IMI makes every effort to ensure that the data it collects and stores are as accurate as possible. IMI cannot guarantee; however, that third parties are accurate in their information. Therefore, IMI denies any responsibility for the accuracy of the data supplied by any third-party sources of information or by IMI’s clients.
Individual Access
An individual may request, in writing, the personal information collected and maintained. In the case of consumers, this includes a copy of their consumer report.
IMI affords the consumer a reasonable opportunity to correct, amend or delete information that is inaccurate or incomplete, except where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to the individual's privacy or where the rights of persons other than the individual would be violated. Individuals who wish to exercise these rights may contact IMI using the contact details listed below. For security purposes, IMI will require verification of the consumer’s identity.
IMI Support Team
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
Openness and Challenging Compliance
Further information or questions on personal information management practices can be directed to:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
IMI is committed to answer questions and resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. Consumers with inquiries or complaints regarding this privacy policy or the processing of their personal information should first contact IMI at:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
IMI Support Team
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
IMI’s compliance with its obligations is subject to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
Policy Changes
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing policy of IMI will be posted on this website.
4. European Union, European Economic Area, United Kingdom, and Switzerland Privacy Notice
(Revised: February 8, 2023)
The additional information in this section 3 should be read in conjunction with IMI Data Search, Inc. (“IMI”) General Privacy Policy. This information relates to personal data subject to the GDPR and EEA country, Swiss, or UK law.
3.1 Processing in the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK
IMI is a controller of personal data processed in the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK. Owens Europe Screening Limited (Ireland) is the representative of IMI in the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK.
IMI will use all personal data processed in the EU in a manner consistent with the GDPR and in compliance with relevant EEA, UK, and Swiss legislation. Personal information may pertain to consumers, clients, business prospects, vendors, employees, and job applicants.
3.2 Basis for processing data
IMI processes personal data on one or more of the following basis:
We provide employment screening services only to businesses with a permissible purpose in accordance with the FCRA. We release information via telephone, fax, mail and electronically, only to the individual(s) or business(s) that originally requested the service. For example, if you are the subject of a background check, or if a business customer requests that you verify your identity with us, we may collect some identifying information about you to provide the services to our business customers. We do not sell personal information collected and maintained in our databases to an outside entity for any purpose other than providing employment screening services. Similarly, we do not compile mailing lists consisting of subjects of our screening reports for any purpose not related to a permissible use.
Notice of Services:
Our background screening services include collection of information on individuals for employment-related purposes. Our clients provide us with your personal information in connection with our preparing a background screening report for them. Personal information gathered may include your history of employment and other credentials related to your prospective employment. In addition to the data that is submitted to us by our clients, we may collect data from third parties as needed to process academic, residential, achievement, job performance, attendance, litigation, personal history, credit reports, driving records, criminal history records and other lawful checks. Prior employers and/or references may be contacted, and the report may include information obtained through personal interviews regarding the applicant’s character and general reputation. We may provide all such information to our client (your current or prospective employer) in one or more reports. We will use such information only for the purposes of performing employment screening and credential verification services, including verification of the accuracy of the personal information and check of your references.
Before the information we collect is provided to our clients, our clients must certify to us:
- They provided disclosure to their applicants that a background investigation will be performed and that personal data may be gathered for the purpose of completing the background screening report.
- They received consent from an applicant before a Background Investigation Report is requested.
- They will not resell the background report to a third party.
Collection When We Provide Services To Our Business Customers
For example, if you are the subject of a background check, or if a business client/customer requests that you verify your identity with us, we may collect some identifying information about you to provide the services to our business clients/customers.
- Authorizing a Background Check: When you authorize one of our business clients/customers to run a background check on you, we ask for your legal name, date of birth and other identifying details such as your Social Security Number, residential address, past employment or education history (depending on the type of background check requested). If the background check is authorized electronically, we also collection your email address and/or phone number.
- Verifying your identity: We may collect personal information from you so that we can confirm that you are who you say you are. This personal information could include your legal name, address, phone number, email address, Social Security Number, or a government-issued photo ID document.
Service with a Commitment to Privacy
IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") is concerned about the protection of personal information. It is IMI's policy to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of personal data submitted to IMI in writing or while visiting www.imidatasearch.com.com. This can include personal information of clients, vendors, business prospects, employees, job applicants and consumers.
Client Information
IMI gathers information about its visitors primarily to process your orders, but also to continue to provide superior and personalized customer service. By collecting the information, IMI is able to make more accurate product recommendations and send email notices or reminders. IMI is dedicated to providing the best possible browsing experience and gathering this information helps make that possible.
Contractual Relationship Information
IMI may use the personal information of business prospects, clients and vendors in order to establish, execute and terminate a contract. Business prospects can be contacted during the contract preparation process using the information that they have provided. Personal data can be processed to prepare bids or to fulfill other requests of the prospect that relate to contract conclusion. This includes notices and advisory services for the client under the contract if this is related to the contractual purpose. Personal information may be provided to financial institutions to process payments. To ensure that subject information is safeguarded, personal information may be used to complete due diligence checks to ensure that subject data is only provided to third parties that have been appropriately verified and credentialed.
Advertising Information
IMI does not sell mailing lists or exchange services in return for the use of personal information. Clients, vendors and business prospects may receive periodic mailings or emailing's from IMI with information on new services and changes in service. To opt-out, contact IMI in writing or by email at the addresses listed below or you can opt-out on the email advertisements.
IMI does not sell or advertise the personal information of job applicants, employees or data report subjects.
Employee and Applicant Information
IMI may collect information from employees and job applicants to perform its human resource functions. Individuals will be informed of the purposes for which IMI collects and uses the personal information. IMI will provide the Individual with the choice and means, if any, for limiting the use and disclosure of their personal information when required. Disclosures or notices will be provided in clear and conspicuous language when individuals are first asked to provide personal information to IMI, or as soon as practicable thereafter, and in any event before IMI uses or discloses the information for a purpose other than for which it was originally collected.
Consumer Information
IMI may disclose personal information on consumers to third parties in connection with the business transaction and purpose for which it was collected. Third party disclosure of the personal information may include the requesting client company, affiliate companies, third party agents, in-country sources, educational institutions, employers, courts, law enforcement agencies and other persons, businesses or government agencies as necessary for IMI to complete a business transaction.
Personal Information Disclosure: United States or Overseas
Personal information submitted to IMI may, at times, be transferred outside of the United States ("U.S.").
Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information & Legal Requirements
Cross-border transfers may be made under a variety of legal mechanisms including contracts, consent and regulatory authority frameworks.
Personal information submitted to IMI may be stored in the U.S., but also may be transferred to third parties in other countries. Third-party vendors may store personal information in other countries. Therefore, the personal information may be subject to U.S. or other laws for disclosure and may be accessible to foreign law enforcement, national security agencies or courts. Personal information may be disclosed in response to legal requirements.
Payment Data We may collect data necessary to process your payment for services pertaining to invoices payments, such as your payment instrument number, and the security code associated with your payment instrument. All payment data is stored by our payment processor, Square. You may find their privacy notice link(s) here: https://squareup.com/us/legal/general/privacy.
Policy Changes
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing privacy policy of IMI will be posted on this website.
Contact Information
For additional information contact:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
In accordance with California Civil Code § 1786.20 the contact listed above will be able to assist you with additional information on IMI's privacy practices and policies in the event of a compromise.
All information is stored on secure servers in the United States. We maintain reasonable, industry-standard security procedures and practices to protect your information. Here are a few other steps we take to protect your information: We have technical measures implemented to prevent unauthorized access, and keep security patches and software updated. Employee access to your information is restricted and audited, and sensitive personal information is stored in encrypted form.
While you may manage cookie preferences using your browser settings, this website does not currently respond to browser settings such as Do Not Track.
When IMI Data Search, Inc. acts as an Investigative Consumer Reporting Agency under California state law, personal information collected from you may be transferred outside of the United States as follows:
- To third parties from which we must collect or verify personal information to provide services to our business customers. For example, if a business customer runs an international background check on you, your personal information may be transferred outside of the United States to the organization in that country that provides information for your background check.
- To service providers that help provide the services outside of the United States, where a business customer has requested such services. For example, if a business customer requests employment verification on you in another country, your personal information may be transferred to a service provider with expertise in performing such verifications in that specific country.
- To affiliates, service providers, and contractors from time to time to help provide the services.
We do not share your personal information with third parties for direct marketing.
California residents, as defined in the California Code of Regulations, have certain rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The vast majority of personal information collected and stored by IMI Data Search, Inc. is exempt from the CCPA under Section 1798.145(d) (Fair Credit Reporting Act exemption) or under Section 1798.145(l)(1) (which exempts personal information collected in the context of a business to business transaction). IMI Data Search, Inc. does not and will not “sell” personal information as this term is defined by the CCPA.
You have the right to request that we disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal information that we have collected about you, where we are acting as a business as defined by the CCPA and where the data collected is not otherwise exempt.
You have the right to request that we delete any personal information about you that we have collected, where we are acting as a business as defined by the CCPA and where the data collected is not otherwise exempt.
Please note that the right to delete under the CCPA is subject to a number of exceptions including where retention of the information is necessary to do the following: Protect user security; Fix technical issues; Protect free speech rights; Comply with applicable law or legal obligation or use the information for internal purposes compatible with the context in which is was provided.
You have the right to request that we disclose the following: The category of personal information we have collected about you. The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected, the business purpose for collecting personal information, the categories of third parties with whom we share personal information, the categories of third parties with whom we share personal information, the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you, the categories of personal information that we have disclosed about you for a business purpose;
The categories of personal information that we have sold about you and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold. While you may nonetheless request this information, please note that IMI Data Search, Inc. does NOT “sell” personal information as this term is defined by the CCPA.
3. Canada Privacy Policy
(Revised: June 12, 2020)
IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") has established a regularly reviewed privacy management program.
Further information or questions can be directed to:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles. Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
Purpose, Consent, Limiting Collection
IMI collects and uses the personal information of clients, vendors, business prospects, employees, job applicants, and consumers. The information obtained by IMI will be used for the purpose for which it was collected or for legal requirements. IMI only collects data that is reasonable for the purposes listed under this section. Individuals may withdraw consent, where an individual chooses to withdraw consent, processing will be stopped within a reasonable time. When consent is withdrawn, information is not necessarily erased or deleted.
Consumer Information
IMI receives information on consumers from its clients, vendors, or other entities (courts, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, employers, etc.) within Canada in the performance of services for and under the direction of its clients. Where IMI is the recipient of personal information, it will use the information in accordance with the purpose indicated and the consent choices made by the individuals to whom such personal information relates. IMI’s client types include employers, financial institutions, insurance companies, other background screening agencies, etc. Most services are requested for the purposes of employment-related decisions, credit granting, and license applications. IMI plays no part in making any decision related to how our clients use the consumer information IMI provides in the performance of the services ordered.
Client, Business Prospect & Vendor Information
IMI collects and uses the personal information of clients to process orders. IMI may use the personal information of business prospects, clients, and vendors in order to establish, execute, and terminate a contract. Business prospects can be contacted during the contract preparation process using the information that they have provided. Personal data can be processed to prepare bids or to fulfill other requests of the prospect that relate to contract conclusion. This includes notices and advisory services for the client under the contract if this is related to the contractual purpose. Personal information may be provided to financial institutions to process payments. To ensure that subject information is safeguarded, personal information may be used to complete due diligence checks to ensure that subject data is only provided to third parties that have been appropriately verified and credentialed.
Employee and Job Applicant Information
IMI may collect and use information from employees and job applicants to perform its human resource functions. Where IMI is the recipient of personal information, it will use the information in accordance with the purpose indicated and the consent choices made by the individuals to whom such personal information relates.
Safeguards, Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
IMI is committed to protecting personal information. While IMI cannot guarantee the security of the information, IMI utilizes a combination of online and offline security technologies, procedures and organizational measures, including limiting and monitoring employee access to personal information to help safeguard consumer information against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.
IMI takes reasonable and appropriate measures to retain personal data only for as long as IMI has a legitimate legal or business need, such as compliance with legal or contractual retention obligations, retention for audit purposes, customer service, security and fraud prevention, preservation of legal rights or other reasonable purposes consistent with the purpose of the collection of the information.
IMI discloses personal data that it collects to third parties in connection with the business transaction for which it was collected. Third-party disclosure of the information may include the IMI’s client whom the consumer has authorized to receive such information, and the third-party representative of IMI authorized to receive such information (e.g., affiliate companies, agents, in-country sources, educational institutions, employers, courts, law enforcement agencies and other persons or entities that may provide or verify information as necessary for IMI to process the authorized transaction). IMI also may in good faith disclose personal information and any other additional information available to IMI, for any of the following purposes: (i) to investigate, prevent or take action regarding actual or suspected illegal activities or fraud; situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person; or violations of IMI’s terms of use; (ii) to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal processes; (iii) to establish or exercise IMI’s legal rights; or (iv) otherwise to comply with applicable law.
IMI makes every effort to ensure that the data it collects and stores are as accurate as possible. IMI cannot guarantee; however, that third parties are accurate in their information. Therefore, IMI denies any responsibility for the accuracy of the data supplied by any third-party sources of information or by IMI’s clients.
Individual Access
An individual may request, in writing, the personal information collected and maintained. In the case of consumers, this includes a copy of their consumer report.
IMI affords the consumer a reasonable opportunity to correct, amend or delete information that is inaccurate or incomplete, except where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to the individual's privacy or where the rights of persons other than the individual would be violated. Individuals who wish to exercise these rights may contact IMI using the contact details listed below. For security purposes, IMI will require verification of the consumer’s identity.
IMI Support Team
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
Openness and Challenging Compliance
Further information or questions on personal information management practices can be directed to:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
IMI is committed to answer questions and resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. Consumers with inquiries or complaints regarding this privacy policy or the processing of their personal information should first contact IMI at:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
IMI Support Team
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
IMI’s compliance with its obligations is subject to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
Policy Changes
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing policy of IMI will be posted on this website.
4. European Union, European Economic Area, United Kingdom, and Switzerland Privacy Notice
(Revised: February 8, 2023)
The additional information in this section 3 should be read in conjunction with IMI Data Search, Inc. (“IMI”) General Privacy Policy. This information relates to personal data subject to the GDPR and EEA country, Swiss, or UK law.
3.1 Processing in the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK
IMI is a controller of personal data processed in the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK. Owens Europe Screening Limited (Ireland) is the representative of IMI in the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK.
IMI will use all personal data processed in the EU in a manner consistent with the GDPR and in compliance with relevant EEA, UK, and Swiss legislation. Personal information may pertain to consumers, clients, business prospects, vendors, employees, and job applicants.
3.2 Basis for processing data
IMI processes personal data on one or more of the following basis:
3.3 Special (Sensitive)
IMI recognizes special categories of data, specifically personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs, trades union membership, genetic or biometric data, or a subject’s health or sexual life. IMI also recognizes its responsibilities relating to criminal data. The processing of these categories of information shall typically require consent. We may also process Special data where there is a legal/regulatory obligation or where it is in the public interest.
3.4 Consumer Information
IMI receives information on consumers from its clients, vendors, or other entities (courts, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, employers, etc.) in the performance of services for and under its clients' direction. Where IMI is the recipient of personal information, it will use the information following the purpose indicated by the notices provided by such entities and the consent choices made by the individuals to whom such personal information relates. IMI's client types include employers, financial institutions, insurance companies, other background screening agencies, etc. Most services are for employment-related decisions, credit granting, and license applications. IMI plays no part in making any decision related to how our clients use the consumer information IMI provides in the performance of the services ordered.
3.5 Business Contact Information
IMI may use the personal information of business prospects, clients, and vendors to establish, execute, and terminate a contract. Including completion of due diligence checks related to the business relationship. IMI may provide personal information to financial institutions to process payments.
3.6 Your Rights
1. Where information is collected directly from the subject, to be informed of the controller and representative, the purpose and legal basis for processing. Where IMI relies on legitimate interest, you will be informed of that interest, to who IMI may transfer that personal data to, if the data is being transferred internationally, the retention duration or criteria for storage for personal data, and the consequences of not providing the data.
2. Where you did not provide data, IMI will identify the source of that data together with data categories.
3. Information on whether IMI has Personal Data relating to a subject, the categories of data, and the purpose of processing.
4. Access to your personal data. Where the format is not reasonably understood, this shall be delivered in an intelligible format.
5. Have inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date personal data that IMI holds about you corrected or deleted.
6. Where your data is processed on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw your consent.
7. Make a submission on any automated decisions making processes or profiling of you.
8. Transfer your data to another controller.
9. Have your personal data excluded from certain categories of processing.
10. Lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commissioner DPC. Contact details for the DPC can be found at www.dataprotection.ie.
Please note:
There are some limitations to these rights.
You can contact us to exercise these rights by e-mail at [email protected]. We will ask for additional information to verify your identity prior to acting upon such requests.
3.7 Data Retention
IMI retains personal data that you submit to us only for as long as necessary and for the purposes for which it was obtained or as required by law. Detailed retention periods for which personal data shall be retained for particular purposes are listed below. IMI reserves the right to delete personal data prior to the conclusion of the retention period or where such retention is not absolutely necessary for the provision of service to a subject.
IMI recognizes special categories of data, specifically personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs, trades union membership, genetic or biometric data, or a subject’s health or sexual life. IMI also recognizes its responsibilities relating to criminal data. The processing of these categories of information shall typically require consent. We may also process Special data where there is a legal/regulatory obligation or where it is in the public interest.
3.4 Consumer Information
IMI receives information on consumers from its clients, vendors, or other entities (courts, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, employers, etc.) in the performance of services for and under its clients' direction. Where IMI is the recipient of personal information, it will use the information following the purpose indicated by the notices provided by such entities and the consent choices made by the individuals to whom such personal information relates. IMI's client types include employers, financial institutions, insurance companies, other background screening agencies, etc. Most services are for employment-related decisions, credit granting, and license applications. IMI plays no part in making any decision related to how our clients use the consumer information IMI provides in the performance of the services ordered.
3.5 Business Contact Information
IMI may use the personal information of business prospects, clients, and vendors to establish, execute, and terminate a contract. Including completion of due diligence checks related to the business relationship. IMI may provide personal information to financial institutions to process payments.
3.6 Your Rights
1. Where information is collected directly from the subject, to be informed of the controller and representative, the purpose and legal basis for processing. Where IMI relies on legitimate interest, you will be informed of that interest, to who IMI may transfer that personal data to, if the data is being transferred internationally, the retention duration or criteria for storage for personal data, and the consequences of not providing the data.
2. Where you did not provide data, IMI will identify the source of that data together with data categories.
3. Information on whether IMI has Personal Data relating to a subject, the categories of data, and the purpose of processing.
4. Access to your personal data. Where the format is not reasonably understood, this shall be delivered in an intelligible format.
5. Have inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date personal data that IMI holds about you corrected or deleted.
6. Where your data is processed on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw your consent.
7. Make a submission on any automated decisions making processes or profiling of you.
8. Transfer your data to another controller.
9. Have your personal data excluded from certain categories of processing.
10. Lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commissioner DPC. Contact details for the DPC can be found at www.dataprotection.ie.
Please note:
There are some limitations to these rights.
You can contact us to exercise these rights by e-mail at [email protected]. We will ask for additional information to verify your identity prior to acting upon such requests.
3.7 Data Retention
IMI retains personal data that you submit to us only for as long as necessary and for the purposes for which it was obtained or as required by law. Detailed retention periods for which personal data shall be retained for particular purposes are listed below. IMI reserves the right to delete personal data prior to the conclusion of the retention period or where such retention is not absolutely necessary for the provision of service to a subject.
3.8 Employee and Job Applicant Information
IMI may collect and use information from employees and applicants to perform its human resource functions.
3.9 Withdrawing Consent
Where a consumer chooses to withdraw consent, processing shall stop without undue delay. When consent is withdrawn, information is not necessarily erased or deleted. The consumer shall have the right to request erasure. Applicable laws may require the data to be maintained for a specified time for consumer protection purposes.
3.10 Purpose Limitation
In accordance with applicable law, IMI takes reasonable steps to ensure that information is accurate, complete, current, and reliable for its intended use. IMI only collects data necessary for the purposes listed and will not further process personal data.
While IMI makes every effort to ensure that the data it collects and stores is as accurate as possible, IMI cannot guarantee that third parties are accurate in their information. IMI denies any responsibility for the accuracy of the data supplied by any third-party sources of information or by IMI’s clients.
3.11 Contact Information
IMI is committed to answering questions and resolving complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. EEA, UK, and Swiss consumers with inquiries regarding this privacy policy or the processing of their personal information should first contact IMI at:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
If you would like to utilize IMI’s representative in the EU, you may contact:
Owens Europe Screening Limited (Ireland)
Phone: +353 61 653510
Email: [email protected]
3.12 Notice Changes
This notice may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing notice will be posted on this website.
IMI may collect and use information from employees and applicants to perform its human resource functions.
3.9 Withdrawing Consent
Where a consumer chooses to withdraw consent, processing shall stop without undue delay. When consent is withdrawn, information is not necessarily erased or deleted. The consumer shall have the right to request erasure. Applicable laws may require the data to be maintained for a specified time for consumer protection purposes.
3.10 Purpose Limitation
In accordance with applicable law, IMI takes reasonable steps to ensure that information is accurate, complete, current, and reliable for its intended use. IMI only collects data necessary for the purposes listed and will not further process personal data.
While IMI makes every effort to ensure that the data it collects and stores is as accurate as possible, IMI cannot guarantee that third parties are accurate in their information. IMI denies any responsibility for the accuracy of the data supplied by any third-party sources of information or by IMI’s clients.
3.11 Contact Information
IMI is committed to answering questions and resolving complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. EEA, UK, and Swiss consumers with inquiries regarding this privacy policy or the processing of their personal information should first contact IMI at:
Compliance Officer
IMI Data Search, Inc.
365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. B
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 800-860-7779
Email: [email protected]
If you would like to utilize IMI’s representative in the EU, you may contact:
Owens Europe Screening Limited (Ireland)
Phone: +353 61 653510
Email: [email protected]
3.12 Notice Changes
This notice may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing notice will be posted on this website.
5. Cookie Policy
(Revised: September 16, 2020)
IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") uses a standard technology called a cookie. A cookie is a small file that is sent to your computer by IMI's website. IMI uses cookies to allow you to move quickly through the site. This is accomplished in many ways using several different cookies.
How This Site Uses Cookies
This website uses the following cookies:
(Revised: September 16, 2020)
IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") uses a standard technology called a cookie. A cookie is a small file that is sent to your computer by IMI's website. IMI uses cookies to allow you to move quickly through the site. This is accomplished in many ways using several different cookies.
How This Site Uses Cookies
This website uses the following cookies:
IMI uses the following third party analytic cookies:
Cookie Name:
Google Analytics uses the cookies "_ga", "_gat", and “_gid"
IMI uses Google Analytics to give insights into how users interact with the website. To obtain these insights, Google Analytics uses a number of cookies. The information collected is anonymous and statistical.
Google Analytics Privacy Policy. Google provides an opt-out plug-in for most common website browsers.
Cookie Name:
Google Analytics uses the cookies "_ga", "_gat", and “_gid"
IMI uses Google Analytics to give insights into how users interact with the website. To obtain these insights, Google Analytics uses a number of cookies. The information collected is anonymous and statistical.
Google Analytics Privacy Policy. Google provides an opt-out plug-in for most common website browsers.
Policy Changes
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing policy of IMI will be posted on this website.
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing policy of IMI will be posted on this website.
6. Data Security Policy
(Revised: May 6, 2019)
IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") realizes the importance of secure online transactions to protect information from any loss, misuse, disclosure, alteration or destruction. To help safeguard the information we obtain and process in our website, IMI utilizes a combination of online and offline security technologies, procedures and processes.
Data Encryption
IMI's system utilizes industry standard encryption technology.
Data Retention
IMI's system will retain the data as long as the purpose for which it was collected remains or until it is no longer necessary for any other legal or business purposes. After its retention period expires, IMI will destroy the data using industry standard tools or devices.
Physical and Logical Security
IMI's systems are located in a secure facility where physical access to the systems including its backup media is monitored and granted only to persons with a valid business need. The network is protected with multiple layers of security including firewalls. In addition to using SSL encryption, access to the services in the website requires strong password authentication.
Before the introduction of new methods of data processing, particularly new IT systems, technical and organizational measures to protect personal data shall be defined and implemented. This applies regardless of whether data is processed electronically or in paper form.
Security Vulnerability Management
IMI's systems and its underlying subsystems are hardened using industry best practices and standards. Critical security patches are implemented promptly.
Policy Changes
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing policy of IMI will be posted on this website.
(Revised: May 6, 2019)
IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") realizes the importance of secure online transactions to protect information from any loss, misuse, disclosure, alteration or destruction. To help safeguard the information we obtain and process in our website, IMI utilizes a combination of online and offline security technologies, procedures and processes.
Data Encryption
IMI's system utilizes industry standard encryption technology.
Data Retention
IMI's system will retain the data as long as the purpose for which it was collected remains or until it is no longer necessary for any other legal or business purposes. After its retention period expires, IMI will destroy the data using industry standard tools or devices.
Physical and Logical Security
IMI's systems are located in a secure facility where physical access to the systems including its backup media is monitored and granted only to persons with a valid business need. The network is protected with multiple layers of security including firewalls. In addition to using SSL encryption, access to the services in the website requires strong password authentication.
Before the introduction of new methods of data processing, particularly new IT systems, technical and organizational measures to protect personal data shall be defined and implemented. This applies regardless of whether data is processed electronically or in paper form.
Security Vulnerability Management
IMI's systems and its underlying subsystems are hardened using industry best practices and standards. Critical security patches are implemented promptly.
Policy Changes
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing policy of IMI will be posted on this website.
7. Legal Policy
(Revised: May 6, 2019)
By accessing and/or using the website, the user acknowledges this disclaimer and agrees to be bound by the further terms and conditions set out below.
Any information IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") may post in the pages of this website are purely informational and may not be construed as legal advice. This includes, but is not limited to, forms and posts discussing legal and legislative developments. IMI advises that user consult experienced counsel to ensure compliant use of IMI's content and reports in connection with its particular credit, due diligence or screening program.
No Warranties
IMI makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or timeliness of information on this website.
IMI assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the website. Information on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. IMI may change or update information without notice. Further, IMI makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or timeliness of any information on any third-party websites that are linked to this website.
Limitation of Liability
Policy Changes
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing legal policy of IMI will be posted on this website.
(Revised: May 6, 2019)
By accessing and/or using the website, the user acknowledges this disclaimer and agrees to be bound by the further terms and conditions set out below.
Any information IMI Data Search, Inc. ("IMI") may post in the pages of this website are purely informational and may not be construed as legal advice. This includes, but is not limited to, forms and posts discussing legal and legislative developments. IMI advises that user consult experienced counsel to ensure compliant use of IMI's content and reports in connection with its particular credit, due diligence or screening program.
No Warranties
IMI makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or timeliness of information on this website.
IMI assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the website. Information on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. IMI may change or update information without notice. Further, IMI makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or timeliness of any information on any third-party websites that are linked to this website.
Limitation of Liability
Policy Changes
This policy may be amended from time to time. Any changes that are made to the existing legal policy of IMI will be posted on this website.